Hi. I'm Susan. My husband Len and I are the proud parents of four often amazing kids--all adopted. We also have a houseful of rescue cats and dogs (plus three charming goldfish rescued from the feeder tank). This is the second marriage for both of us. I love rehabbing furniture and fixing things. A couple of days after somebody t-boned our car and totaled it, the best deal we found was the same year, same model, same color ... Our lives are all about second chances.
A few years ago, as we approached retirement, we had an idea. We had camped in New England and loved it, but winter was another thing. Suppose we bought a well-insulated RV and gave a New England winter a try before committing to living there? It wasn't long before that idea grew into full-timing for a couple of years to see the country and look for that special place where we'd put down roots.
After a year or more of looking at literally thousands of campers, we found it. In Grand Rapids, Michigan. We live in Alexandria, Virginia, just outside Washington, D.C. -- and we didn't even have a truck. I will tell that whole long story in another post, but we went to see it, loved it, had it towed back to Virginia and, of course, started to renovate (lots of material there!). Second chances.
As word spread about what we were planning, people kept asking us to keep them updated on the reno and on our travels, and so this blog was born. Then what to call it? For awhile, my working title was Happily Hitched--a deliberate double entendre--but I wasn't sold. And then it came to me. While neither of us is a golfer, we knew what a mulligan was: a second chance. We started talking about all the second chances in our lives ... and so Mulligan Street it was.
I expect this blog will cover the renovation of our camper and our travels and much more, things like adopting our children, refinishing furniture, reviving old friendships and making new friends along the way. Second chances.
We'd love to have you come along.